Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lowongan Kerja PE/Music Teacher di Jakarta

Urgently Required
A Christian National Plus school in Metro Sunter, North Jakarta is urgently looking for:


Class Teacher Lower Primary Level (must be able to teach at least English)

Requirements :

* Minimal S1 degree
* Fluent in English (TOEFL score of min. 500)
* Committed Christian
* Teaching experience
* Preferably experience with National Plus/International curriculum
* Flexible but disciplined attitude
* Average Bible Knowledge

Please send your application letter, CV (Word Format, WRITTEN IN ENGLISH) and recent photo (included in letter or CV) by email to :

Short-listed candidates should bring the following documents for interview:
* Transcript of academic diploma
* Church reference (certificate of baptism)
* Working reference

A language test and a demonstration-teaching is part of the application procedure.

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